Hi, I’m Carmen

I’m a certified Jay Shetty Purpose and Women ​Empowerment Coach.

I’m on a mission to empower women to stop settling for less ​than what they are capable of and create a life and career ​path that truly lights them up and bring them the fulfilment ​freedom and joy they deserve.

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Hi, I’m so happy you are here, let me tell you a little about me and what ​drives me.

I believe every woman deserves a life that truly makes her feel alive. Yet, ​let’s be honest—so many of us find ourselves on paths that don't really ​belong to us, leaving us feeling disconnected, lost, or simply going through ​the motions.

It’s not our fault. Our upbringing, education, society, and yes, the ​patriarchy have all played a role. We could easily point fingers and, in many ​cases, we’d be right. But the real question is: What now? Where do we go ​from here?

We have a choice: stay stuck in those soul-sucking jobs, or decide that the ​life we dream of is not only possible, but worth pursuing with everything ​we’ve got.

I know how daunting that choice can be. I’ve stood at that very same ​crossroads, torn between the comfort of a familiar, yet unfulfilling job, and ​the uncertainty of stepping into the unknown.

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping women discover their true ​purpose and pursue careers or businesses that light them up—rather than ​settling for jobs that drain the life out of them.

You have the power to choose your own path. Believe me, it’s possible. I ​know because I’ve walked this journey myself. And if you’re ready, I'd love to ​help you create a life that reflects who you truly are.

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“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty

of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt

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My Story

For as long as I can remember, I felt lost, always searching for what to do with ​my life, what would make me happy, but never quite finding the answer.

I followed the “good girl” script, enrolling in university and pursuing a degree ​in Economic Science—not because it ignited my passion, but because it seemed ​like the safest bet for a society-approved, happy, stable life.

Picture me cramming for yet another exam in a subject as thrilling as watching ​paint dry. It hit me hard—I was dedicating my time to something that didn’t ​spark any joy. The idea of quitting felt overwhelming, especially with parental ​expectations and no backup plan, so I just kept pushing forward.

Graduation brought a brief moment of relief, but that quickly faded. The ​thought of diving into a soul-crushing job until retirement was unbearable I ​couldn’t resign myself to a life chained to a computer screen, endlessly ​crunching numbers.

I knew what I didn’t want, but discovering what I truly desired was the real ​quest. So, I took a bold leap from Spain to London, embarking on an adventure ​to uncover my true purpose. Free from others’ opinions and expectations, it ​was my time to find myself and embrace a life that genuinely resonated with ​who I was meant to be

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Time passed, and on paper, life looked great: Central London living, a high-​stakes, well-paid job, fun friends, and endless city attractions—everything ​you’d think I’d be grateful for (and I was). Yet, I found myself trapped in a ​monotonous loop, with a nagging sense that something was missing.

I tried temporary fixes—sun-soaked holidays and weekend getaways, hoping ​that these escapes would spark excitement. But once the break was over, the ​emptiness returned.

I knew I craved something deeper—not just a laptop lifestyle in Bali but real ​meaning and impact. The idea of change felt overwhelming, especially as I ​grew older and had more to lose.

Then COVID-19 struck, a harsh wake-up call reminding me that life’s too ​short for half-hearted living. I decided to stop waiting for a magical solution ​and promised myself to forge a path that truly fulfilled me, free from others’ ​opinions and my own fears.

So, I dove into self-discovery, and mindset work, and invested in training, ​coaching, and mentorship. This time, I didn’t just read books or listen to ​advice—I took action.

I found coaching, and everything clicked. It was like all the puzzle pieces ​finally fit together. I was thrilled to finally find my path and understand why I ​wanted to pursue it.

With this fire on me and now the clarity and direction I always wanted, I ​start to craft an "exit plan," and earned my coaching certification while ​juggling my full-time job. Eventually, I handed in my notice to pursue my ​dream and never looked back.

Now, as I wake up to the sun's warmth, I'm so excited for the day ahead. ​Helping other women create the lives they truly desire fills me with immense ​fulfilment and joy. I truly love sharing what I learned to help others.

If I can transform my life, so can you. I’m here to support you, let’s make it ​happen together

If you feel like there’s more out there for you, it’s because there is.

Don’t settle for an OK life

Don't let others define success for you

Create your definition and live by it

Welcome to my world, I’m so happy you’re here.

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A few things about me...

I take my coffee black, and I don’t like cheese (yes, really).

I adore travelling, especially to off-the-beaten-path places like those little, ​empty Philippine islands.

Originally from Spain, I’ve spent over 20 years in London. I used to be a night ​owl, enjoying the city's fancy restaurants and clubs. Nowadays, you're more likely ​to find me soaking up the sun on a quiet beach.

I know I'm privileged, born in the Western world with access to healthcare, ​education, and freedom, that my previous generations never had, and I don’t ​take for granted.

Diversity, equity, and respect are my guiding principles, embracing everyone ​regardless of gender, race, or identity. Personally, I'm a heterosexual, childless-​by-choice woman who loves kids but never wanted any of my own.

I hold a degree in Economic Science, have 20+ years leading large teams in ​multi-million companies, and after years in masculine energy, I’ve now embraced ​a more balanced and authentic approach that finally feels like me.

In my previous role as General Manager of VIP venues in London, I saw first-​hand how even the wealthiest could feel deeply empty, searching for meaning in ​the fleeting bubbles of their Dom Pérignon.

Now, my focus is on helping others find lasting fulfilment. Because, let’s face it, ​there’s only so much glitter you can use to cover up real emptiness.


Feeling like your job is draining your soul and leaving you in a cycle of ​“meh”? Wondering if this is all there is to life?

It’s not. Deep down, you know you have so much more potential and crave ​fulfilment beyond what this job is offering, but you don’t know what to do ​next. I get it—fears about financial security or making a wrong move can be ​overwhelming, but with the right support and mindset shifts it’s so possible!

Whether you’re dreaming of creating your soul business or exploring new ​passions, my approach isn’t about jumping without a net.

We’ll uncover what is your unique path, get clear and confident about your ​vision, and craft an strategic plan that aligns with your values and goals. No ​dramatic exits are needed—living on purpose starts now, while you’re still in ​your 9-to-5 and make the leap when you’re ready.

Imagine waking up each day excited, with a sense of purpose and a reason ​that keep you motivated.

Imaging knowing that what you do matters to you, and creates an impact ​in others.

I’m here to help you make that a reality.

Carmen Alonso Coaching

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Jay Shetty Certification School is accredited by the Association for ​Coaching and TRACCERT Canada and is a member of EMCC.

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