


The 1:1 Coaching Program for women like you, ready to uncover your purpose and ​pursue the business or career that sets your soul on fire

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You are here because

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You are so ready to finally feel fulfilled in your life and career, ​figure out what you want to do next, and start doing it!

You decided you don’t want to spend your life in that soul-sucking job and are ​getting help figuring out your next step.

You know you don’t want just another well-paid job, you want to impact others and ​do something meaningful, that makes you excited to be alive

You're done waiting around for a sign or some magic answer to fall into your lap. ​Instead, you are going to find clarity on your life vision, your unique gifts, the ​mission you want to serve in this world and how you can link it to your new career ​or business

You know is your time to create a life on your terms—one filled with freedom, ​passion, and joy.

As frightening as it may be to step out of your secure job, the idea of remaining ​where you are is even more terrifying.

You came to the right place

Fabiana Nazario. Germany

Carmen s guidance has been transformative Your expertise and insights have truly been amazing in helping me explore and discover my passion and purpose I ve launched my online business I discovered my WHY moreover I ve learned to believe in myself successfully communicating with my employer for what I deserve my confidence is in another level I feel empowered

Let me guess

You feel trapped in a job that no longer fulfils you, but the mere thought ​of losing your financial security, not sure if you can succed, or what ​people would think of you fills you with dread.

You live for the weekends, and the next holiday abroad, to feel some ​excitement and joy, but when you come back the emptiness remains. You ​know it has to be more to life

From the outside your life seems great, you have a well-paid job, a nice ​place, plenty of Instagram pics on holidays, and way too many shoes. But ​deep inside, there's a void, a feeling that you haven't truly discovered ​what you really want, and why.

As a child, you dreamed of making a real impact on the world, but you ​were told to be “practical” and did what you supposed to do. Now those ​dreams seem distant, buried beneath fear and self-doubts. Yet, deep ​down, there's still a yearning for those dreams to be realized.

Even you are not clear what to do next, You know you are capable of so ​much more, and you don’t want to have the regret of not even trying to ​discover it.

You have read books and blogs, listened to the gurus, and even turned to ​AI in your quest to pursue your purpose. Yet, you are still stuck in the ​same place.

Are you waiting for the next pandemic, to remind you how “secure” ​your job is NOT, to start figuring out what to do next?

Imaging this

Having a clear sense of purpose in life, and finally taking the ​action steps towards the new soul-aligned career or business ​venture, that totally suits who you are.

Waking up every morning feeling excited and motivated, ready ​to tackle the day because you know that what you do matters, ​you're doing what makes you come alive, and impacting others.

Confidently pursuing your new aligned career or launch your ​business with unshakable self-belief, leaving behind the old fears ​of “What if I don’t succeed?” and “What will people think?

Knowing what steps to take next to build a life on your terms, ​having a clear road map to follow, and an exit plan. Finally the ​clarity and direction you needed and you are taking action.

Experiencing profound inner peace and fulfilment feeling proud ​of WHO YOU ARE and the meaningful impact you are making in ​the world.

Through coaching with Carmen I suddenly had my aha moment and it was a moment of pure exhilaration relief joy and excitement for the future I was laughing and crying at the same time knowing that I finally figured out my purpose it was an unexpected monumental day She has taken me on a journey helping me to build my confidence and self worth and for me to finally see for myself what potential I have and for me to finally believe in myself

Rathi Sivasothy, UK

I get it, I've been there too. It's tough even to admit it, that what you do doesn't light you up ​anymore, or maybe it never really did.

But you can find a new path that truly fulfils your soul, as I did.

Hi, I’m Carmen

I created this container because I’ve been right where you are—​stuck in a career that not longer fulfilled me. I knew I needed a ​change, but figuring out what to do next felt like a huge challenge.

I didn’t just want another good-paying job or more vacation time. ​I craved work that truly mattered and gave my life real meaning,

But fear kept me trapped in my “comfortable job” for too long.

I had a high salary and the 'female boss' title, earned through hard ​work and sacrifices. Was I crazy to want more? Maybe. Afraid of ​financial instability and failure and critics? Absolutely.

Then, the world shifted. COVID made me realize that life’s too ​short to play it safe. I decided to stop waiting around, trust my ​inner voice and figur out what I really wanted to do next.

That’s when I discovered coaching. It was like everything finally ​clicked. I left my established London career to build my coaching ​business and pursue a more fulfilling life in the sun.

Now, it’s my joy and mission to share what I’ve learned with you. ​I’m here to help you uncover your purpose-driven path and craft ​a step-by-step roadmap to get there.

Read more about My story here

I know how much you want this,

to love what you do, and do what you love.

Don’t let fear stand in your way.

With the right support and a shift in mindset, you have the power to make it happen.

Anjali Nankani, Canada

Carmen s coaching sessions have truly been a game changer for me For two decades I had been carrying around limiting beliefs that held me back in various aspects of my life These beliefs were deeply ingrained and I had tried different approaches to overcome them but nothing seemed to work effectively During Carmen s NTT session I experienced a profound transformation It was as if she had unlocked a door to a brighter more empowered version of myself that had been hidden for years I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I now approach life with a renewed sense of confidence and self belief

What to expect

Purpose Unleashed is a 90-day 1:1 intimate coaching container to help you ​get clear about your purpose and the career path that truly lights you up

& craft a step by step plan to transition form your current job

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Get crystal-clear about what sets your ​heart on fire. Together we'll create a ​vision for your future, and what ​purpose-driven career or businessfuels your passion and makes you ​proud of the impact you make.

We’ll identify what has been holding ​you back, the fears, past experiences ​and self-doubt a focus on rewiring ​your subconscious mind to empower ​you instead of limiting you. It’s time ​to fulfil your potential.

Whether you're exploring new career ​paths or finally starting your business, ​you'll take tangible steps towards ​creating your chosen path. Crafting ​your step by step plan to exit your ​job and move to your new life. No ​more procrastinating; it’s time for ​action.

Picture yourself three months from now, having crafted a crystal-clear vision of your new path. Taking daily bold action towards the business or career that truly reflects your soul, leaving you feeling excited, motivated, and authentically "you."

How does it work

During our 1:1 coaching, you will:

Dive deep into your unique sense of purpose and what ​truly matters to you, not what others think you should do, ​but the path that feels a natural choice for you, your zone ​of genius, what mission you want to use your skills for, that ​can bring the meaning and impact you are looking for.

Identify the purpose driven business or carrer you want ​to pursue, and create a pathway to help others with your ​gifts and make an income.

Define what to do next. The specific goals break them ​down into daily small, manageable action steps to lead you ​to your new career path of business launch. We will craft a ​step by step plan to exit your current job and transition.

Check in regularly to see what’s working and what is not, ​and make the necessary adjustments to ensure we're ​heading in the right direction.

Overcome obstacles, big or small, week by week, we will ​bring light to your blind spots, connect the dots and invite ​a new way of thinking.

Embrace the healing journey, this means addressing your ​unwanted behabiours, limiting beliefs, your old stories, and ​subconscious patterns that may have sabotaged you ​before. It's not about getting stuck in the past but taking its ​lessons to empower you in shaping the future you dream ​of.

Celebrate your achievements, big and small, and keep the ​motivation high.

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Book your consult Now

I know how many of us end up not living up to our true potential, playing it safe because we're stuck in ​negative thought patterns buried deep in our subconscious minds.

We silently sabotage ourselves, believing the lie that "you are not good enough.

It’s time to rewrite our own story! You are more than enough; YOU are a force to be reckoned with.

What’s included

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9 x 90-minute sessions over 90 days by Zoom, of personalised ​support, tailored to your unique challenges. This is where the ​magic happens, your exclusive space to focus solely on yourself—​it's your 'power hour,' (even if it stretches to 90 minutes)

Unlimited Email and Telegram messaging (during working hours) ​to ensure you have continuous guidance and support in between ​sessions. You will not be left hanging.

Accountability to ensure you achieve the goals you've set for ​yourself. It's not about babysitting you, it’s about empowering you ​to honour your commitments to yourself.

Practical tools and resources for your lifetime use, selected from ​years of my own personal development experience, and thousands ​of £££ invested in training programs and certifications, crafted to ​support your progress, and keep you on your path.

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Anastasia Volodina, Indoneia

The sessions changed my life When we started to work with Carmen I was walking in the dark blindly with no hope to improve my life and understand what I did wrong Sessions with Carmen were a gift from the Universe Sometimes it was surprising for me how accurately she asked the questions that were so obvious but never came to my head Her work helped me to understand myself organise my life and time and build new goals and ways to achieve them I personally highly recommend Carmen as a life coach to all my friends who are lost in their life or want to bring their life to a higher level

My coaching approach

I believe that you are capable of so much more than you ​realize. I’m here to create a safe and empowering space ​where your true potential can shine.

It's not your fault that you're feeling stuck. As a woman, ​you've had to deal with the pressures of patriarchy, society's ​expectations, and family expectations, no wander we are ​feeling lost, and doubt ourselves.

These old subconscious patterns and limiting beliefs have ​been holding you back for too long, but no more.

In our coaching sessions, you'll find a supportive partner ​who not only encourages to face your fears, and to trust your ​inner voice, but also challenges the B.S. that keeps you stuck. ​This isn't just about talking—it's about taking bold, decisive ​action.

I'm here to help you see your blind spots, uncover what you ​can't see and unlock the extraordinary power within you.

In my coaching I combine my own experience and a blend of ​evidence-based coaching practices, from positive ​psychology, neuroscience, subconscious rewiring, ​mindfulness and the Jay Shetty coaching principles, to guide ​you in this self-discovery path.

Are you ready to transform your life and reach new ​heights? Let's embark on this journey together and unleash ​your true purpose.

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is for you if:

You believe you deserve more from this ONE life than playing small and you are committed to uncover your true ​path, and transitioning to a career or business that truly lights you up.

You know there is meaningful work you are here to do, that will allow you to make a difference and have the life ​you want because you are done with settling for a job that may even pay well, but takes away your energy from the ​things you love, steals your time with loved ones, and leaves you with crumbs of happiness for yourself.

You crave the thrill of waking up each day, excited, fueled by purpose, and taking action toward your dream ​business or career.

You’re looking for someone who has walked in your shoes to support you, kind and judgment-free, who understands ​what you are going through, regardless of whether you have a supportive network around you or you are doing this ​alone (as in my case). You want somebody who can provide you with the accountability, strategies and mindset you ​are currently missing, and make your journey easier and more joyful.

You’re ready to go all in but you don’t want to jump without a net, actually, you want to build an emotional and ​practical net that gives you the security you need to take action instead of feeling paralyzed with anxiety.

You're done with waiting to feel burned out or face a layoff, to do something about this. Instead, this time you're ​taking action while still in your current job, and you'll figure things out as you go.

You are more committed to yourself than you are to your 9-5. Ready to do the work, heal what needs to be healed, ​and make the necessary shifts to move forward to the life you have been dreaming of.

Carmen has a lot of approaches and methods and really encourages you to reach your goals She provides a safe space and really listens to what you have to say I learned a lot about myself and reached my goals with her help I accepted an offer from the recruitment company I was interviewing with I m feeling very fulfilled these days

Parin Patell, USA

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Knowing that you need to change is not the same as being 100% committed to change

I’m not the coach for you if:

You expect me to hand you all the answers or be some sort of guru. Coaching is a cocreating space, It’s not about me ​telling you what to do, trust me, your deep inner wisdom and intuition know best.

You are not ready to commit to doing the work, showing up to the sessions, reflect on your feelings, or taking the ​necessary actions between sessions.

You are currently experiencing severe clinically untreated mental health challenges (suicidality, untreated bipolar ​disorder, untreated schizophrenia, untreated depression). Coaching is not a substitute for therapy, please seek the ​appropriate help for your needs.

If you dislike a straightforward approach or If you’re seeking someone to chat with weekly just to vent about your ​problems, I won’t be the right fit. I focus on challenging you to take action with kindness and compassion, while ​holding you accountable.

You're solely looking for resume tips, job titles search. Purpose Unleashed isn't about getting career advice; it's about ​delving deep into what ignites your passion, your legacy, and empowering you to pursue your purpose, and remove ​those bocks that have been holding you back

if you're uncomfortable with occasional use of the “F” world or strong language

You don't embrace diversity, equity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of differences in gender, race, ​religion or any other identity.

I get it, book me in

Ana Negry, UK

Working with Carmen with every session my life enriched I became more courageous and optimistic made decisions that I had been postponing for years and strengthened the bonds with my family and friends But more than anything I started living in the moment loving myself and open to a world of infinite possibilities I just started finding the answers and the solutions I have been looking for years They just come to you You just hear yourself saying it out loud goosebumps moment She s a fantastic listener I don t think I ever felt so comfortable talking about my life my fears and my dreams like I felt during our sessions I can only say that I feel so grateful and blessed to have met such a skilled coach and wonderful person


Q: Why choose Purpose Unleashed

Personalised approach 1:1

This is designee to help you with exactly what you need, is not a one-size-fits-all program, every person is different and a cooky-cutter approach is not ​going to work. This is not a course but direct access to me, so you can always ask anything, and you are not left to do this on your own. We will focus on ​your unique situation, challenges, and goals, and what would work best for you.

Some of my clients have an idea of what their purpose is but need help with the next steps, and building confidence, others are still unsure on what path ​to take, and they need to figure that out first. Don’t worry, regardless of your situation, I meet you where you are at.

Safe space

My coaching sessions are intimate, confidential, and free of judgment, providing a safe space for you to express yourself openly and feel heard and ​understood. This environment is designed to help you feel at ease and supported in your journey.

I’m certified by the Jay Shetty Certification School that is accredited by the Association for Coaching (AC) and I adhere to the Association for Coaching's ​Code of Conduct in my work

A Coach Who’s Been in Your Shoes

I've walked the same path you're on, facing similar challenges and fears. I wished someone had been there to guide me through it all more easily and ​quickly. I can be that person for you, your ally, your unwavering support, committed to lighting your path to purpose and fulfillment.

Proven Strategies

In my coaching practice, I utilize a diverse array of evidence-based coaching methodologies, visualization, and other mindfulness practices. Additionally ​I’m a Neuro Transformational Therapy (NTT) coach and I incorporate this techniques as I found it super powerful to address subconscious barriers and ​facilitate lasting transformation

Q: What happens on the consult?

Time: 60 minutes over ZOOM

Scheduled: via Calendly

We'll schedule a consultation by you choosing an available date and time on my Calendly link. You will receive an instant email with the Zoom link to ​click on the day of the call.

On the consult we discuss, your current situation, goals (don't worry if you haven't defined them yet) what you want to achieve and how I will get you ​there. If we feel like a good fit, I will tell you how we can start working together.

If you wish to go ahead, I will send you an email with the contract and the payment link. If you want to think about it - no problem, come back ANYTIME.

Once payment is confirmed you receive a welcome email with the Calendly link to schedule your breakthrough session within the first 2 weeks.

Sound good? If so, schedule your consult HERE.

Q: Do I need the consult?

In 1:1 coaching we go deep, and we must meet so I am sure you will benefit from my coaching,

Equally, I put a lot of energy into each of my clients it's essential we are mutually confident you are a right fit for the program, committed to your ​transformation, and that we will work effectively together, as this experience only works if you are 100% committed.

Your consult call is free, with no obligation.

The aim is for you to feel confident about your decision, whatever that is.

Schedule your consult HERE.

Q: What if I‘m not ready yet to leave my job?

Great question, and, you don’t have to!

Pursuing your purpose is not about changing your job, It’s about understanding what makes that job so unfulfilling, what will bring you a sense of ​purpose that will make you deeply satisfied with what you do, and the balance you have in all areas of your life.

I have seen clients deciding to stay within the same career but applying for different positions or gaining promotions in the same company. Others ​started building a business while in their current job. Some took a complete turn and changed careers when they got the clarity they needed and the ​confidence to do what they wanted. I got certified and gained the skills and experience while still working full-time until I was ready to leave.

The end result can vary, and only you can decide what would be for you, the beauty of the journey is how you feel, sometimes the change is not radical, ​but the excitement, peace and fulfilment that brings to your life are, because finally, you know why you do what you do, so you make decisions with ​confidence knowing what works for you.

Q: Can you guarantee this will work for me?

For legal reasons, I can't guarantee your specific result, your commitment and effort are key to our success together.

Take a look at testimonials from my clients to see first-hand how working with me has changed lives.

The clients who experience the most profound transformations are those who go all in!

I can not be more committed to your success than yourself. However, If you're ready to put in the work, I'm here to 100% support you every step of the ​way.

Q: Can we keep working together after the 90 days?

With your newfound clarity and confidence along with the action plan we've designed, and the tools to keep you on track, you'll be well-equipped to ​continue your journey on your own.

Alternatively, as many of my clients do, If you've found that my support, expertise, and accountability have been instrumental in your transformation ​and you're eager for more, rest assured I won't leave you hanging. We’ll discuss how my coaching can further propel you to the next level if we agree ​it's the right fit for both of us.

Q: What language do you coach on?

I coach in English and Spanish

I also understand Portuguese (Even though I don’t speak fluently)

If you have any more questions that s why the free consult is for Feel free to ask me anything you like know about Purpose Unleashed
Working with Carmen has been absolutely fantastic She has helped me gain clarity and focus in areas of my life and has also held me accountable when needed From working with Carmen I have realised that I was previously mids interpreting my non negotiables and my priorities and am now able to look at them myself and how I achieve these with certainty and passion Carmen is sensitive approachable and super enthusiastic about what she does a winning combination

Anastasia Nestfield, UK

The next step is to book your consult below:

Click on the link and select a convenient time for you

I can't wait to connect with you.

Here's a summary of what will happen during our call.

We'll openly, with love and without judgement explore:

Where are you right now regarding your career

What you want to achieve and what you're doing, or have tried already to get ​there

What kind of support you need and are looking for

If Purpose Unleashed sounds like a great fit with mutual interest, I will invite ​you to join and you can decide, without expectation or pressure if this is the ​right step for you.

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This is what my clients say about me

Erin Featherstone, USA

What has changed since you got coached by Carmen I worked with Carmen after coming out of a very difficult 18 months I thought I was going to Carmen to just help me get my habits on track but because she was able to help me with that early on in our sessions we were able to move into the deeper work and goals that I more importantly needed to work on I was working toward a career certification and since we moved forward on my original goals so efficiently we were able to work on this Without Carmen s skills and accountability I would have postponed it for a later date but instead I was able to complete it and therefore my life got to keep moving forward instead of stagnating Aside from accomplishing some goals Carmen enabled me to tap back into the part of myself that I had put on the back burner for a long time I now get to continue on in my life journey feeling like my authentic self What did you like about Carmen s coaching style Carmen showed up every time with her full attention and energy She has some great tools and techniques that helped me be able to reflect on experiences in the past as well as visions for my future Carmen always reflected back on our past session which allowed me to see the growth I had made Carmen is very easy to talk to and very down to earth There is no judgment only support and often humour thank goodness Carmen kept me accountable in a caring way and always showed that she was invested in my success without being overbearing It was a perfect balance What would you say to somebody considering investing in Carmen s coaching We don t really know how crucial a life coach can be until we commit to it do the work and then see how much more quickly we are able to advance in our life with their support guidance and clarity I highly recommend working with Carmen She is a perfect balance of accountability mixed with compassion Carmen is very empathetic intuitive and an excellent listener She was always able to reset my mental compass if I was going down the rabbit hole of worry or over doing We should all invest in ourselves and our growth Carmen is an excellent Coach

Ioana Guliciuc, UK

An oasis in the Desert Everything felt dark and gloomy couldn t see any colours was doubting everything but mostly myself I needed a lot of answers I needed guidance I guess the universe sends us exactly what we need and that s when Carmen offered to help me Not only have I rediscovered my lost self I gained my confidence back I can see things from a different perspective I have more time for myself I know which direction I am going to I just want to make sure that you know the difference that you make in people s lives I don t think that I could ever thank you enough my days are brighter the grey is red and green and yellow and the fog is gone You are indeed a gifted person thank you from the bottom of my heart
I had recently quit my job and I was on a venture to figure out my next move in life career wise and personally I was burned out and indecisive about a lot of challenges I was facing Carmen gave me a lot of tools and the encouragement I needed to figure things out She gave me insight into developing a different mindset and the space to find my own solution Since then I have maintained the mindset to continue on a positive and productive journey

Nicolle Davis, UK

Case study

Sara Alqhwaizi, Canada

When Sara came to me she wanted to help people through coaching, but she was so confused ​about how to do it in practice, or who specifically help, feeling defeated, doubting her ​abilities, and overwhelmed.

She said to me after the first session, “You came at the right time, I was about to give up”

She is not the only one, I constantly see people struggling to fulfil their purpose, even those ​who seem to have found what they want to do, fail to actually do it.

They get excited when they first uncover their purpose, but they don’t know what to do next, ​without clarity, direction and support, it’s easy to let their fears and limiting beliefs crip in ​and self-sabotage, getting in the way of their dreams.

Well, I wasn't going to let that happen. Sara had a beautiful mission in the world, she’s going ​to bring so much value and help so many young women who need her, who struggle with ​insecurities, anxiety and self-doubt. We just needed to create a clear vision for her business ​and align her purpose with her actions. We created a plan that suits her needs instead of ​bringing more pressure, so she knows what she needs to do and can do it with confidence!

This is what she says about working with me:

When I first started working with Carmen I had no clarity on where I’m going regarding who I wanted to help (my ​Niche) , I was lost trying to create content about everything and it wasn’t really helping me because I was scattered ​all over the place.

Carmen was very helpful in the first session, she was guiding me throughout the call and sending me resources that ​will help me when I’m creating my ideal avatar.

I got specific on my values and from there I started creating content and speaking to one specific avatar client ​instead of many.

Had I not started working with Carmen, I would still be lost and stuck trying to create a “perfect” avatar instead of ​aligning my purpose with my values which made things easier.

Carmen is very helpful, understanding, patient and a good coach that knows what she’s talking about. She’s very ​knowledgeable, authentic in her delivery and available when I need her.

She gives honest and straightforward feedback without judgements and I found that super helpful especially on the ​days where we’re not working together during the week.

Her support was really great and I felt like there’s someone who listened to my concerns and doubts so she kept ​pushing me to put myself more out there which was very much needed. As a coach, I feel more certain, comfortable ​with my delivery and I have a clear road map ahead that I can go back to.

I highly recommend Carmen as a purpose coach if you’re lost on where to start and need clarity. You’re in good ​hands with her. Thank you Carmen, so grateful for you and all the help”

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NMonica Rivas, Spain

Before working with Carmen I was feeling kind of lost negative procrastinating most of my time not focused on anything with proper motivation and very anxious Carmen helped me to focus on my positive abilities and pushed me to encourage myself from that point to reach discipline and get healthy habits She facilitated tips to make things easier with optimism and practical ways of organising I learned that these positive habits always lead to well being I m really thankful and I surely recommend Carmen s guidance
Recently I had a Timeline Transformation Therapy session with Carmen I approached her feeling very anxious and uncertain about having to present an offer to a lady on social media about a proposal for her group members Carmen was so kind and compassionate in the session and quickly made me feel relaxed The session was extremely helpful and full of insight And I am happy to say that with Carmen s help I was able to release the anxiety and feel confident with the task at hand I can t thank you enough for all your help and guidance I am so very grateful

Candice Aulde, South Africa

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Carmen was super supportive She is a very strong woman and she helped me to see new ways of thinking about my life and gave me clear ways of doing things I am more optimistic about my life with her help and coaching I can do what I meant to do in my life Thank you Carmen I am so excited to work with you

Michaela Benesova. Netherlands

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JUlia Kierk, Poland

You re kind genuine understanding and skilled in breaking down goals I learned a lot about building healthy habits and you helped me identify what was preventing me fromreaching a goal Thanks to your insight I narrowed things down into manageable weekly steps that helped me to move forward and will highly recommend working with you

Jay Shetty Certification School is accredited by the Association for ​Coaching and TRACCERT Canada and is a member of EMCC.

NTT practitioner Coach