You had enough of living a life that “somebody” designed for you!

You have decided to stop waiting around for ” another somebody” ​to come and save you, and you are going to save yourself!

You are here because you know you are made for more, and life is ​too short to keep living on autopilot, playing safe, instead of ​thriving with passion and purpose.

You are here because you want to be the hero of your own ​adventure

Contact me here

Let’s connect

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Ask me any question in any of my platforms

The next step is to book your consult below:

I can't wait to connect with you.

Here's a summary of what will happen during our call.

We'll openly, with love and without judgement explore:

Where is your current situation,

What you want to achieve and what you have tried already to get there,

What kind of support you are looking for

If my 1:1 coaching is what I think will help you, I will invite you to join and you can ​decide, without expectation or pressure, if this is the right step for you.

Click on the link and select a convenient time for you

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Jay Shetty Certification School is accredited by the Association for ​Coaching and TRACCERT Canada and is a member of EMCC.

NTT practitioner Coach

Carmen Alonso Coaching

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